Get our ten step guide to become omnichannel-capable
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Want to upskill your sales team?
Ten steps to become omnichannel-capable
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced massive change on all of us but perhaps the NHS is the organisation that has been most affected.
Many healthcare professionals believe it has forced them to adopt new behaviours in just a few weeks which had been forecast to be introduced over a 5-year period. Who could have imagined 85% of primary care patient consultations taking place remotely in 2020?[1] This does have consequences – such as a huge backlog of unmet chronic disease needs – but there are aspects that have worked very well and many healthcare professionals are converted.
With the anticipation of continued social distancing restrictions, increased adoption of remote engagement and an NHS that will take months to recover from the pandemic, notwithstanding a second wave, it is clear the pharmaceutical industry cannot rely on hope as a plan.
Instead, industry decision makers are preparing for a significant organisational shift towards quality remote engagement to maintain their relationships with healthcare professionals. Moving traditional sales teams towards omnichannel capability – whereby each representative is able to flex effectively between face-to-face engagement, phone, video calls and emails – is becoming a necessity.
So what do you need to do to prepare your traditional sales team for this transformation? Below are 10 steps from CHASE’s Ross MacPhee, who has 10 years’ experience in managing omnichannel teams across UK and Europe.
[1] Letter to NHS from NHS England, 29 April 2020